One year ago today, I created this blog
to show off my beautiful wife because everyone else in the whole world was doing one and I didn't want to be left out. Haha! I really had no idea of how much it would come to mean to me and those who read it often. Check out my first post when you get a chance. It is right after we found out we were going to have the beautiful little girl you see on the left there. Our lives have changed so much in this year that I'm glad I was able to detail it here on this blog, otherwise we might have forgotten from whence we came. Seriously, when you get an opportunity, click on the "View Our Previous Posts" link and read all of the highlights of the things that have happened to us in just one year. It'll rival Grey's Anatomy.
Can you guess what Miss Makenna is doing now? Just this past week or so, she has started to crawl! She can make it across the room (albeit at a snail's pace) without even going down on her tummy! This prompted her mother and I to rush to Babies'R'Us and buy baby-proofing things to put up around the house. Also now that she is moving across our carpet so often, we decided to use our tax return money to buy laminate flooring for the living room and hallways. Our theory is that it'll be much easier to clean up for dog hair and food/drink spills and it would help the value of our home as well. We're doing the installation with the generous help of our family so hopefully it'll look great after we are through. We'll see...One more thing that's new this week: Makenna is starting to pull up on her own! Last night, she was asleep in her Pack-n-play and during the night we heard these brutal screams so we rushed over to check it out. She had figured out how to pull herself all the way up to a standing position holding onto the top but once she got there, she couldn't let go without falling down and it scared her to death! You would have thought after that she wouldn't try it again but no, she takes after her mom and dad in that she quite determined, if not a bit stubborn... she did it again two more times last night, all ending with the same result. You know, if it wasn't in the middle of the night, it would have been quite funny. :)
Quick Story Before The Good Part: My Dad is known for his championship chili. His legend is talked about around the local cooking contests and many fine eating establishments as "El Hombre Que Hace El Buen Chile Loco" (The Man Who Makes Crazy Good Chili). After many failed experiments and years of effort, he finally mastered the perfect chili recipe a few years back. He has shared his secret only with a handful of people we'll call the Lucky Ones. (So far I'm not one of them...) It has brought near fame and fortune to those who have obtained the secret recipe. Any contest it is entered into is almost unfair; think 'easy as taking candy from a baby'. My mom is one of the Lucky Ones. Recently at her work, she entered this recipe into a contest in anonymity (so her employees wouldn't vote for her since she's da boss). The prize? Four tickets to OKC Hornets VS Boston Celtics basketball game. As expected, the chili recipe did it's magic and she went to claim her prize. She looked at the tickets and realized they were on a Monday night and she couldn't make it. So, out of the goodness of her heart, she stopped off at my office and gave them to me! How cool is that? My wife and I, along with Kevon and his girlfriend Ashley, went and enjoyed the splendor of an NBA game. And it all happened because of my Dad's diligence in his kitchen experiments. Thanks Dad... the game was fun.
Okay, so that story turned out a little bit longer than I anticipated. I promise this next part is going to be much shorter. On Sunday March 18th, we took Makenna on her first zoo trip! She was much more interested in the people walking around than the animals but all in all it was a fun trip. You can see the whole set here on our Flickr site. I've included several pics below for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

"Makenna Checking Out A Monkey Statue"

"Cue the 'Rocky' Theme Music"

"Makenna liked the tiger!"

"My brother's new part time job... Gorilla Poser!"

"Somehow this guy got ahold of a bag of chicken feed. Pretty funny."
I hope you liked the pictures! Speaking of pictures, my next post will be VERY soon and will have a lot of pics from the Arberitum in Dallas, Tx. I know you all will be waiting with bated breath. Haha.
God Bless,
Hey J, GREAT pictures!!! We need to take our little loo-whoo to the zoo! I could write a book, huh? "Lily-Loo-Whoo Goes to the Zoo" I'll use that as my post title when we finally take her! Makenna is just gorgeous ~ especially with those baby blue eyes! WOW! Of course you all look great! To answer your question about our new due date; who EVER knows what our Lord has planned. . . But it should be between the 19th & 26th of June. Incredibly close to your little one's birthday! They may potentially share a birthday! ~ We miss you guys! Wendy.
Gorilla Poser...what?? don't make me cut you.
a.k.a. the better looking fox
a.k.a. Terry.
a.k.a. Fantasy Football Champion.
a.k.a. haha
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