My beautiful wife (of 2 years, 5 months, and 15 wonderful days) has indulged my desires to create a place on the web for our family and friends to keep up-to-date on the development of our family, especially on the latest news of our "angel" yet to come. God has blessed us with the knowledge that Kimi is pregnant and that I am going to be a daddy. Haha. Imagine that, the big kid is going to be a dad! I always wanted a baby but watching my wife go through being pregnant is a whole different thing. We had our rough spots in the beginning right after we found out and with this being our first, we wanted to make sure every hiccup Kimi had was normal! Yeah, I know, we're new at this. Haha.
Well, on March 1st, we had our ultrasound and found out we were having a little GIRL! She will be 22 weeks along this Tuesday, March 28th. Can you believe how far along we are already?! I hear that in the next couple of weeks, if Kimi were to give birth early, our baby could actually survive in the NICU. Obviously, we are counting down the days until August 1st when our baby girl is born big and fat and healthy! Man, we absolutely cannot wait to meet her.

You see the size of that thing! I feel so sorry already! My first thought when I saw this picture was "OH NO, SHE HAS MY FEET! GARGANTUAN!!" Haha. Oh well, let's hope she takes after my wife in the rest of her features and not my crazy ones. But seriously, feeling the blessing God has given both of us growing inside of Kimi is one of the moments in life when you just sit back and are in complete shock. My wife is such an encouragement to me and a wonderful example of love. I am so happy that we can share this blessing together.
Anyway, I'll post more photos for you all to see soon. I think I have about 3 or 4 more. Good times. Thanks for stopping by. Hopefully I can keep it interesting! Keep us in your prayers...
God bless you all.
Jason, I'm so happy for the both of you! I know that you will love and cherish your new baby as she enters such a loving home. Congratulations to you both! I hope to baby sit sometime! :0)
Hey guys! I have to be quick, Will is feeling really icky & needs some TLC but I wanted to let you know I found your blog & am so glad! What a great u/s pic of your baby girl's foot! I have to say those kicks are such an amazing experience! Will said to tell you guys hi & that he loves you before retiring to the bedroom. Anyway, you & your little one are in our prayers! Love all three of you, BIG! Wendy.
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