Sorry it's been so long since I've written but this past month or so has been rough for our family. Actually, the past several months have been rough but we're making it. :) Kimi, Makenna, AND I were all sick with the crud. Miss Mak had it the worst of all of us because the medicine she could take was limited due to her small size. She came down with bronchitis and had an ear infection. She had such a hard time breathing and sleeping, it was just heartbreaking. Sleeping at night was so hard because she couldn't breathe sleeping on her back or on her stomach because her nasal passages were just stopped up. She figured out that she needed to sleep sitting up so it would drain properly which was SO sad. She's all better now but it was rough on her for a couple of weeks. I know it's left us drained too trying to take care of Miss Mak while we both were very sick ourselves. Special thanks to our family that watched Makenna for us so we could get getter ourselves.
Just wait, it gets better... a couple of weeks ago Kimi and I were on our way to work when we got a phone call from Kimi's mom saying that her dad was having a heart attack and was being medi-flighted to Denton and that we needed to get down there asap! OH MY GOSH, we made a mad rush to get down there. I grabbed Makenna from my Grandma's house and rushed home to pack clothes because we knew we'd be down there for the weekend at this point. If Kimi's car had wings, I think I would have taken off in flight, that's how fast I was going.
The good news is that everything was fine. He was actually at the hospital with chest pains when he had the heart attack so they were able to monitor him the whole time. He had a successful angioplasty done on one artery that was 100% blocked off. He was back at home in 2 days and now he's just taking it easy. I took the picture above using Jerry's camera he got this past Christmas. At the time I thought it was just a pretty picture of a tree outside their house but now I almost think it represents a new beginning for Jerry. The tree is beginning its spring bloom and the sun is shinning through in a star pattern. I would like to ask you all for prayers for Jerry's health. I pray that he would maintain his health and that this is the last heart attack he ever has. Thank you all in advance...
Last but not least, little Miss Mak had her 8 month old birthday a couple of weeks back. Kimi bought her this shirt that says "I'm too cute to be a Longhorn!" That was one of the coolest shirts I've ever seen! Too bad she's ALREADY outgrowing it but I digress. We made the jump from her car base/carrier to a big girl car seat that is much nicer and safer.I'm not even going to tell you how much we spent on two car seats but lets just say that Makenna is riding in the Lexus of car seats.
But one bonus is that Kimi and I found an OU Sooners car seat and it is SOOOO cool! She loves being able to sit up and look out the window. You can hear her talking to the cars all the way to Grandma's house in the morning! Her Nonnie just hates the new car seat because she's a Texas Longhorn's fan but she's a good sport. :) The latest development for Miss Mak is the ability to hold her own bottles ONE HANDED (I'm just glad she wants to hold her own bottle in the first place!). There are more things that are going on but I'm going to wait until the next post to share those. I hope you all have a wonderful week and thank you for your patience on reading/checking this blog. I'll try more to update it often. God bless!
PS: Congratulations to BJ and Wendy on the announcement that they are going to have another little girl! We wish you both the best. :)
What Should a Bride be Doing on the Big Day?
Relax, everything has been organized and is on track. Nothing ever goes
exactly to plan, expect that and let it go. It’s time to get ready and you
want t...
3 years ago
1 comment:
Wow guys, sorry you had such a rough go of things lately! It's never been fun being sick but I never thought about how awful it would be to have your baby sick at the same time. That happened with us a month or so ago when we went to CA. YUCK! It doesn't matter how icky you feel because the little one fully depends on you. I'm also always afraid that we're just going to start a sickness circle & keep getting each other sick. We will pray for Jerry's continued recovery & are so glad to hear all is well! LOVE the car seat cover by the way, & the t-shirt! Thanks for the update, it was good to catch up with how you all are doing! ~Wendy.
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