I write today with sad news. My Grandpa Gandy passed away this morning at 3:52am. He has been sick for about 4 years with Alzheimer's Disease, which progressively got worse. I'm not complete on the details because my mom called me at 4:15am to let me know. But he wasn't doing well at 9pm last night when she called to wish me a happy soon-to-be Fathers Day. She said he probably didn't have long and she was expecting all of this to happen next week sometime. She got a phone call at midnight saying to come to the nursing home because he wasn't doing well. She got there, saw he was stabilized and sleeping so since she lived only less than 2 miles away, she went on home and was going to come back at 6am. She got the phone call at 4am that he had passed away. All of this, even though we knew he was sick, was very sudden.
I'm guilty of not visiting my grandpa very much over the last few years. I know I should have but it was so hard to see him in that condition. I first noticed it a few years ago when me and some others (I can't remember exactly who) went to my Grandma Gandy's house to go fishing. My grandpa was there and he went with us across the street into a giant open field where there was a few small ponds and the one we called the "Big Pond". My grandpa used to take us to the Big Pond when I was little to go fishing. We always had a blast. He'd bait my hook and I'd throw the bobber out into the pond under the tree and wait until the ravenous perch (at least they seemed that way) would take it under and I'd catch me a big one. When he went with us this last time, it was different. He wasn't the same. He kept on telling us the same 5 stories over and over again, each time not remembering that he had already told us that story. I know the older you get the more you forget, or so it seems. But this was just more than forgetting. It was the early stages of Alzheimer's. I have a lot of memories of my grandpa playing basketball with me and my brother Terry. We'd have some close games of H-O-R-S-E. And for a man in his 60's, he'd pretty much beat Terry and I most of the time. Haha. When I went to see him last, I asked him if he knew who I was. He looked at me for a minute, then said Yeah, we used to play basketball together. I thought that was one of the most incredible and saddest things in my whole life. He could barely recognize my mom and yet he remembered that he and I used to play basketball together. This disease is so terrible. It is so hard to describe it without getting broken up about it. Thats one of the biggest reasons why I found it so hard to go up there and visit. I know I should have gone as often as I could but in my heart, I wanted to remember the good times we had and how he used to be. He used to call me Jethro. Haha He got that off of the Beverly Hillbillies character, Jethro Bodine, who would knock you over (and sometimes a wall or a door) trying to get to dinner when he heard Granny cry out, "Come and Get it, Vittles'r Ready!". I wasn't that bad when I was younger but I sure did eat like Jethro. Haha
I'm not sure what day the funeral will be held on or where it is going to be at yet. My mom and her sisters and brother are in the process of figuring all of that out. I just wanted to share a few memories I had of Grandpa with you guys. I do not know if he had ever accepted Jesus Christ as his savior but I truly hope that he did. I know that is the most important thing of all but I'm afraid I might not know the answer until I see him in Heaven. I just wish he could have been both physically and mentally here long enough to meet Makenna. Anyway, when we find out the details of the funeral, if any of you would like to go, just post a comment and I'll get back to you. Thanks for listening guys. We'd appreciate your prayers through this tough time.
God bless you all.
What Should a Bride be Doing on the Big Day?
Relax, everything has been organized and is on track. Nothing ever goes
exactly to plan, expect that and let it go. It’s time to get ready and you
want t...
3 years ago
J, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa. I lost my grandma Craig after 11 years of her fighting alzheimers. I don't like the word hate, but I truly hate that disease. I was guilty of not visiting her like I should as well. I agree it's hard. My grandma was a Christian & because of that when she died a part of me was so happy because for the first time in almost a decade she remembered who I was.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know your family is in our thoughts & prayers~! Give Kimi our love. W.
Hi Sweetheart, your recent entry was probably the most beautiful thing I've ever read. You're so very talented and kind. Your Grandpa thought the world of you especially since you were his first grandbaby. You probably don't remember but he came to your basketball and baseball games just to watch you play. There are so many memories of his love for us. I only wish that this terrible disease hadn't destoryed his mind then ultimately his body. The last week I was with him, I held his hands tightly and told him that I was here and wasn't leaving - that he didn't have to go through this alone. His eyes were so sad but I still know he didn't recognize me but he was glad someone held his hand. During the last few hours I held his hand, kissed his hot, hot forehead and told him how much his family loved him and that when Angels come to take him Home that he should go and we would be fine and how much we loved him. I prayed that Jesus keep him free from pain and to allow His Will be done. I just didn't realize it would be in the next couple of hours. Mom kept ice cold cloths on his wrists, arms and forehead to try to bring his fever down but nothing was working. Several times, grandma asked me to leave the room (to check on something she needed or to get more coffee which she didn't drink after I got it) so she could talk to dad. I knew that because when I would return, she'd be crying. Grandma's a tough lady but this completely broke her. I've watched her when her sister Katherine, brother Charles, and own mom passed away and while she cried, it was nothing like this time. She spent over 44 years with Dad and although they fought like cats and dogs - they truly loved each other. When she finally made me go home to get some sleep, I drove away listening to k-love (as usual), God spoke directly to my heart and said it will be ok thru the new Audio Adrenline song, "Good Bye My Friend - I will always love You". After hearing the words over and over, Peace came across my soul and I could feel the burden lifting. It's unbelievable - the power of God. I still have times of crying and sadness and then all of the sudden I remember the great times we had with Dad and smiles cross my face. I thank God every day for my wonderful family which I dearly love. Every night my prayers are that God keep my family safe, healthy and happy. If we have those three things, then nothing else matters. Thank you for meceeing Grandpa's funeral this Friday. By the way, the funeral is at the Candlewood Chapel, 315 South Sooner Rd, Del City (South of the SW corner by the old Venture/K-mart store - 1 mile west of Hertiage park Mall). Services start at 5pm but family should try to arrive no later than 4:30 if possible. Terry might go pick up Grandma Fox but if not I'll go get her this Friday and Terry can take her home. I hope Kimi is feeling great. I'll call you tomorrow. Love You, mom
Hey Fox, sorry to hear about your loss. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. If there is anything I can do, just let me know.
Love ya bro.
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