Hello again everyone! I wanted to start out by telling you guys I have a prayer request. Kimi still has that cough but now it has moved DEEP in her chest, so bad she had to take off work yesterday. She has been coughing so much that her throat is very sore and on top of being uncomfortable with pregnancy, she isn't getting much sleep because of the coughing too. So if you get a chance, say a prayer for her that God would bring the sickness out and make her feel better.Last Saturday, Kimi and I went to a class about what to expect during the birth process. They showed several "birth videos" of which you saw all the live action as it was happening. Let me tell you, sick sick sick. Oh and painful! I was squirming in my chair just watching those women as they writhed in pain from the contractions. Kimi grabbed me during the videos and made me promise to make sure they gave her an epidural when we walked in the door to the hospital! Haha. But seriously, we did learn a lot about what to expect and even though it is going to be a very tough process, we seriously cannot wait until Makenna is finally here. We both have some fears about what is going to happen but we know that God is in control and everything will be just how it is supposed to be. Besides, we're down to single digits now, less than 8 weeks until Makenna's original due date and she can be safely born as early as 36 weeks so she could be here even sooner. Please keep our situation in your prayers as we continue toward that big day. :)
I wanted to take a moment to send a shout-out and big props and majah thanks to my Dad and Mom for spending their Sunday helping me put together a storage building so we can make room for Makenna. In all, we've spent over 15 hours putting together this building, including 9 hours on Sunday in the heat. Mom and Dad, I really appreciated you both for coming together and helping us out. If you are like me, you dreamed of putting together two sets of sheet-metal, finding the hole, and putting in a screw... your thousandth screw. Lots of work but it looks great!
I also wanted to share with you a picture from my good friend, Guy "How much is a..." Bierwirth (pronounced BEERWORTH) and his son Ethan. Guy and his wife, Leah, have a handsome son who is growing like a weed! Guy and I went to Rose State College, aka "Hotel California University" (you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave...). I hope you got that. Haha Anyway, when I started at TFCU almost 5 years ago, Guy was here already but I couldn't remember how to spell his last name so I didn't put his name down as my referral. Unfortunately, they were running a promotion then that if you referred someone and they stated at TFCU for a year, you would get $250. Ooops. He still won't let me live that one down. But we sure had some fun times at the BSU (Baptist Student Union) playing Ping-pong all day and kicking tail at pool. One of the best memories though is when there was a bomb threat and they shut down the school for hours. Minnie and Jeremy Davidson challenged Guy and me to a grueling game of Spades. Minnie and Jeremy were the house champs, having played so long they could beat your in their sleep. Let's just say, it took Guy and I BOTH going double Nil to win that game! Best game of Spades in my life. We had a magic touch that day. Haha, man good memories.
My last thought of the day has to do with another prayer request. Our good friends Denise and Kevon are going to a church camp at OBU called Super Summer. Denise went this week and Kevon goes next week. If you've never had a chance to go to Super Summer, it is one of the most amazing experiences and is deeply fullfilling spiritually. Nothing but incredible memories from my days there. I've been both a student and a leader there. God moves. That plain and simple explanation. God moves. Please pray for them that God would use them to affect change for the Him. We'll be praying for you guys.
Sorry for the long post, just had a lot of thoughts to get out. Hope you all have a great weekend. Baby shower is tomorrow! Hope to see you all there!
God Bless,
What Should a Bride be Doing on the Big Day?
Relax, everything has been organized and is on track. Nothing ever goes
exactly to plan, expect that and let it go. It’s time to get ready and you
want t...
3 years ago
Hey, no need to apologize for long posts, it's always fun to read about what's going on & memories. . . I'm so sorry to hear about Kimi, of course we'll be praying for her healing & comfort as your due date quickly approaches! Can you believe Lilyanah was born when I was a little less than a week further along than Kimi is now? So crazy to think about & definitely NOT the ideal, you don't want to be stuck in the NICU having to leave your baby every night. . . We love you both & has Will told you we have tickets to come visit OKC in July?! We're so excited, let's talk soon!
Thanks for praying for me! Super Summer was so amazing!
Jason, Scotty and I laughed when we thought you and Kimi were going to Lamaza (misspelled) class to learn how to have MaKenna (see I spelled it correct this time) without any drugs. All I could say was unbelievable she should have the "drip" it's so much better. Heck, every now and then I still need the "drip" to get through the teenage years. :) love you mom
Thanks for kind words. Your a great friend- I dont know what I'd do with out ya.
Man, I remember that game to this day. If there were a hall of fame for Spades games- that would be in there! Ah, the glory days!!!
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