Your vacation is supposed to be a time of rest and relaxation. Most of the time, it's just lying back, feet kicked up, sun in your hair and a pool (or ocean, if you are Kimi) nearby. We didn't quite get to go to the ocean this time but we did get a little bit of pool action in Texas. It was a busy week and full of fun so I'll start at the beginning.
We headed down to Texas on Friday, May 12th. I was late because literally as I was closing down at work, we lost power and I was trapped in the dark for about 45 minutes until they got the power restored. Haha It wasn't too bad except going on vacation late. (Apparently after I left, there was a BIG flood in the shop area and it flooded the branch! HAHA Yeah, glad I left before that happened!)
On Saturday, we got to see Mission Impossible III! Tons of fun, though it wasn't quite as good as the second one was. Lots of twists and action, my kind of movie. Too bad Felicity died, quite tragic. The rest of Saturday was lots of pool time and good steaks for dinner. My father-in-law Jerry can cook some mean steaks, though he did drop one on the ground, which he thankfully claimed as his own steak so we didn't have to eat it! HahaOn Sunday, my brother-in-law Ben and I went to a gun range at Bass Pro Shops. I've never been to a gun range before so as you can imagine, I was VERY excited. We started out at the closer targets and steadily moved them back. Although I don't have picture proof of it, we hit the bullseye almost every time. Even at the football-field length targets! We were amazing. You would have been shocked at how good we were. Even the manager of the store asked us how we were able to hit our mark so many times. Ben and I said it was "beginner's luck." Haha But seriously though, we were dissapointed because the 300-foot-away target was the one we were most interested in and it FELL OFF THE TARGET HOLDER at the end of the tunnel! So, until anyone can prove otherwise, we hit the bullseye every time! :)
Monday night, we got to hang out with my cousin Brent and his wife, Elizabeth. They are expecting a baby boy in October. If I can remember right, they are thinking of naming him Caden William Fox, very cool name. I'm afraid I'm going to call him Caedmon instead but that's just me. Haha We saw their new house and were amazed at their decorating skills! Not the boxes everywhere but the paiting of the walls and new appliances and such. It looks awesome. We are so excited for them!
Tuesday, we went to the aquarium in Dallas. I had SO much fun there! Maybe it was the THOUSAND kids that were surrounding us (The ticket lady said there were 1300!) that got me excited but still it was a lot of fun. Here are a few pictures from that day...

There are a lot more pictures but who wants to look at those anyway. Haha
OKAY, Our really big news post is coming up so stay tuned! :) I hope everyone isn't wilting from the crazy heat wave we are having in Okla. Geez...
There's a big post coming soon?!?! I can hardly wait and even better.... I found out how to leave a comment!!!!
That last post was from me by the way..
Ben Diddy
Hey J! I'm so glad you guys had a fun trip! Kimi looks GREAT & your form at the range looks spectacular. .. Of course I know NOTHING about such things! I look forward to reading your BIG post! Have you guys dedided on the name yet? Miss you both! Wendy.
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