"This is from the day we found out we were going to have a baby!"
The big news is that we're going to announce the name we've chosen but you'll have to read through to the end first to get to it! :) Good times.
Last Thursday, Kimi and I went to the baby doc to get our checkup done on the baby. The baby's heart beat sounded normal once again, which is still a relief everytime we hear it. (Sidenote: The baby is now not only kicking but is "pushing" so you can feel Kimi's belly bulge to the side sometimes. It's quite interesting.) We also got the results back from Kimi's blood glucose test to see if she had "gestational diabetes"... NOPE, no diabetes, everything was normal again. Thanks for all of your prayers that it went well. :)
It was at this point the doc told us it was time for another ultrasound to check up on our little girl and to see if Kimi's possible case of Placenta Previa had dissappeared. I thought, YES, more pics of the baby. As we got into the parking lot, we immediately called the hospital to schedule the u/s and begged for the earliest available time. We were able to get in the next afternoon!
We called Kimi's Grandma and Grandpa and invited them to come along to the ultrasound with us. You see, when they had Kimi's mom, ultrasounds weren't available. So we thought it would be a nice thing for them to see our little miracle on the tv screen. Good times.
They got us in and we got 2 realllly good pics and another one that's not as great but looks like she's going to have LONG legs! Haha. I'll show you below. The tech who was doing our u/s said that Kimi's "placenta previa" is gone which is an answer to prayers as well. And as far as the bab is, the doctor says she's growing according to schedule. She is now 3 pounds 6 ounces and is in the 56th percentile for her size -- pretty much right in the middle of the pack. Kimi is 30 weeks along yesterday, May 23rd, and with the size of the baby now, the doc said we might be a week ahead of schedule, having the baby in late July instead.
By the way, at 3 pounds 6 ounces, our baby now weighs MORE than Kimi did when she was born. Kimi was a premie (spelling?) and spent some time in the NICU herself but other than some mental lapses now and then she's perfectly healthy. (Kimi, I was kidding about the mental lapses... or did you forget already? J/K)
Anyway, Here are some pics for you all to enjoy.

"Okay, this picture shows 100% that it's a girl! They said look for either a hamburger or a hotdog. That's definitely a hamburger alright..."

"Isn't it amazing? You can see what her face is going to look like! I think she's going to look like Kimi."

"This pic isn't very clear but she is completely stretching out her leg."
Okay, so here is what you were all waiting for. What are we going to name her now that we know 100% for sure it's a girl? We've completed her baby room now so I think it's only appropriate to show you with a picture of the room included. And the name is...

"Baby Makenna's room as shown by her beautiful mom!"
So there you go, the big news. We are going to have a baby shower on June 10th from 2-5pm. We are sending out invitations this week. If we somehow missed you and you would want to go, just reply to this post and I'll give you directions. We are registered at Babys-R-Us (#92833013) and Target (#011003993347054) in case anyone is interested. :)
I saved the best picture for last. I took 3 pictures from each of our ultrasounds and combined them into one single picture on a timeline showing how much she has developed since December. I truly hope it blesses you as much as it has blessed us. It really puts things into perspective on the miracle of life that God has allowed us to be a part of.

"The miracle of life. This picture shows how Makenna has grown since December 2005."
God bless you all.
Jason and Kimi
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