How was everyone's Easter? We had a good sermon Sunday morning. I never usually buy a copy of it but I just had to this last time. Good explanation of the stone rolling away and proof that Jesus had risen. I really like our Pastor Mike. He's pretty good at analogies. After church, we went to have a good lunch at Cracker Barrel with my mom and Scotty. I always get so stuffed after I leave that place. :)
Afterward, we made it home to take some pictures with Kimi's family. I have the first pregnant belly picture of Kimi in her Easter dress.

"Kimi is almost 25 weeks along! Not much longer..."
I know pictures are a whole lot of fun so here are a few more from that day.

"Isn't she so pretty?"

"Jason and Kimi standing for Easter Pictures."

"The Avery girls. Left to Right: Sherry, Kimi, Grandma, and Jan"

"I just had to throw this one in for fun! Texas sucks!"
Okay, on to the baby news... We went to the baby doctor yesterday and everything is still on schedule for August 1st. Her heartbeat was at 155 b/m, which is strong and healthy. ;) We crossed into week 25 on Tuesday and we are going on full steam ahead!
From, the following is an update on our baby's growth thus far: "Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight  a pound and a half  doesn't sound like much, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. Her hair is probably recognizable now (in color and texture), although both may change after she's born."
We only have 15 weeks left and we are growing more and more excited by the day. Please keep us in your prayers. We really do appreciate them so much. While you are at it, could you say a prayer for our very good friend Steve Brown from Florida. He's got some tough things going on right now and I absolutely know that he would covet your prayers as well. You can visit Steve's blog here. Steve, we love you and are praying for you bro.
One last thing, Kimi and I visited Soldier Creek today to have a looksie at the daycare center. While we were there, Kimi grabbed a job application so she could have something to do this summer. Haha. So my wife's first actual job after graduating with her Master's Degree is going to be babysitting. Oh man, I can't let her live that one down...
God Bless,
OKAY, ONE MORE PHOTO. This is what happens when you get bored and have some graphics programs on your computer. Click here to view the DISAPPEARING BEN photo! Haha Just a warning: It's 2mb's in size, so let it load fully first. Enjoy!
1 comment:
Hey guys! What great photos, isn't it crazy watching your belly grow so big!? (that's directed to both of you!) jk. Anyway, just wanted to let you know I'm keeping up with your blog & love that we can being so far away! We hope all is well with you! Wendy
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