I hope everyone's Good Friday was actually "good" to them! :) A trivia fact (Courtesy of the Bathroom Reader): "Today is Good Friday. This Christian holiday marks the execution of Jesus, so why call it 'good'? Theologians' best guess is that the name is derived from "God's Friday" (the same way 'good-bye' came from 'God be with ye')." Hmmm....God's Friday? Good Times!
It's going to be a good weekend. My wife get's to wear her beautiful new dress I bought her (one of the only things that actually fits her! Haha). Her mom and brother are coming up from the great wasteland of Texas to the south and Kimi's aunt Jan is flying in from out of state as well. We are all going to meet together to surprise Kimi's Grandma and Grandpa for Easter! Isn't that awesome? Kimi and I are volunteering to cook on the grill for everyone... which might not be such a good idea. I'm terrible! I burn everything... Haha. Oh yeah and...
Ben-diddy is turning 24 years old today! Happy Birthday Ben! Congratulations on making it this far! LOL

By the way, Ben, I'm glad the motorcycle thing didn't turn out to be anything serious. It's official: your ex-girly is a terrible person...
On Sunday, my mom and Scotty are going to go to church with us at Emmaus Baptist. Which is completely awesome because we hardly ever get to go to church with my mom. PLUS, good food afterward! We were going to try to go to see my Grandma Fox with my Dad & Brenda but they are going out of town to Houston for the weekend. Sad sad. Hopefully, we'll see them soon after they get back.
There is a blessing though that I need to share with you all. My wife is graduating with her Master's Degree in a few weeks and it's time for us to look for a job. Kimi put out her resume on the interent and to several places locally not knowing what to expect. Well, the very next day she had 4 phone calls and 3 emails from places interested in her! WOW!! This week Kimi had an interview with a local place which will allow her to work in the school system. Everything went extremely well and it looks like it's hers! Thank God! This is good news b/c school won't start until the fall, right around the time the baby is born, and they told her she was guarenteed a job when she got back from maternity leave. SO, she hasn't even graduated yet and she already has a job lined up for the fall. God is awesome, isn't he? Wow...
Thank you all for your prayers for Kimi and I. It's been such a blessing. We go back to the doctor to hear the heartbeat again this coming Wednesday. Please continue to pray for us. God Bless you guys!
P.S. I pray that God will impact our hearts again with the depth of His love this weekend. Remember, we serve a RISEN Lord... let God's love impact you this weekend!
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