Our little lady was born exactly two weeks ago today on December 8th, 2008. We were scheduled for a C-section that morning, having to be at the hospital at 5:30am with a 7:30am delivery. Of course we didn't sleep the entire night before because we were so excited. But wouldn't you know, Kalli agreed that she was supposed to come that day as well? That morning, when Kimi was getting ready at 4:30am, her water broke! Yes, that's what I said, it broke. It looks like the Dr made the right call by picking that day, huh?
The C-section went very smoothly, considering it was a very invasive surgery. If you've never been in on a C-section, it's a pretty graphic scene. However, comparing it to helping Kimi through natural delivery with Makenna, it was a walk in the park. That experience is not one I want to go through again anytime soon! Yuck! Kimi even says the recovery has been tremendously better this time comparatively. That is one of the reasons why we chose to go the C-section route. She's very glad it has worked out the way it has.
The hospital stay was incredible. Usually people hate the hospital because it is such a cold and dreadful place. This hospital though was designed with women in mind. Its so girly that even have a masseuse on staff. I'm not kidding. But they were very attentive and checked up on us all the time. We were very grateful they were around so much. At the time, we thought our stay at the hospital when Makenna was born was good but this was a much better experience. We were blessed by their hospitality (haha). We headed home just three short days later and so began what all new parents get to experience... the night feedings...
Makenna, even now, still has not slept through the night more times than I can count on one hand. The first couple years or so of her life we practically lived in zombie mode. When Makenna started only waking up two times a night, Kimi and I decided it was just too much sleep to be had. We started trying for another and soon got pregnant. I can hardly count the number of hours we have missed in just the two recent weeks worth of night feedings. But let me tell you, Kimi and I have become experts at functioning on just what is necessary to recharge and start a new day.
I'm not saying Kalli is even remotely hard to take care of. She is a really content and sweet baby... that is unless you don't feed her right away, haha. Right now she is sitting next to me sleeping comfortably with her arms behind her head. :) We just love her so much already, it's hard to explain. I really do believe that God gives you an instant love when you see your child for the first time. A love that connects the two of you so deeply, it's impenetrable. We felt it when we saw Makenna. We felt it again two weeks ago.
We were worried about how Makenna would react to not being the baby anymore, though she's hardly a baby. We have been trying to prepare her for months now that she is going to have a new sister. When Kalli finally came, it was the moment of truth. Makenna couldn't have been more amazing in how she has welcomed her new sister. She loves her so much and is eager to help at any chance that she gets. It hasn't been all roses in this transition for her though. The realization that she isn't the baby hits her some times, leaving her a bit emotional. She doesn't always want to share her parents but she's really doing a great job.
Something really funny my wife said when she saw Kalli after she was born was "She looks just like her ultrasound picture!" I laughed so hard when she said that because the only thoughts in my head were "You think?", haha. I wanted to wrap this up by saying that it has been an incredible experience and we are so blessed for it. We have added something wonderful to our lives and dreams and couldn't ever see how it could be the way it used to be. She's perfect and we love her so much... Uh oh, she's waking up now. I've only got about 30 seconds to go before the alarm sounds... I mean before she starts screaming for food! :) Enjoy the slideshow we made below. Thank you everyone for all the wonderful support and well wishes for us. It's been a blessing!
Since you told me I kept looking on here for pictures. She is beautiful. Do you think she looks like Makenna did? Makennas hair is so much like Cadence's when she turned two. It is still very very curly just longer. Well congrats on everything...hope all is well.
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1 comment:
Since you told me I kept looking on here for pictures. She is beautiful. Do you think she looks like Makenna did? Makennas hair is so much like Cadence's when she turned two. It is still very very curly just longer. Well congrats on everything...hope all is well.
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