On December 15th, Kimi and I had the blessed opportunity to be a part of the wedding between two of our dearest friends, Brad and Denise. Kimi was a bridesmaid in a stunning red dress and I was a groomsman in my classy tuxedo. And guess what, little Miss Makenna was a flower girl! She was so cute in her little dress. It was unfortunate that she did not take a nap the entire day so when we got to show time, she basically sleep-walked down the aisle! Luckily there was another flower girl to put down some petals for Denise to walk down the aisle on. The wedding was beautiful and we are so happy for you two! Here are some pics from that day...

A couple of days before the wedding, I was in charge of putting on a bachelor party. Somehow, my own bachelor party consisted of me running up the score in Madden on BJ but that was about it. I was determined to make Brad's a little more involved. While the girls had their cutesy little girly party with their doilies and tea, we men had a crazy evening of Buffalo Wild Wings and a three-console-system-linked HALO 3 party! The Man's evening was devoid of women but was replete with the thrills of victory and the agonies of many harrowing defeats. If I didn't have to work in the morning, we'd have continued the party to the wee hours of the morning. I hope Brad had a great bachelor party! It was a blast talking trash with him and all of his friends from Bokchito!
Speaking of Bokchito, right after Christmas Kimi and I made a stop by Brad and Denise's new place on the way home... well, 'on the way' is a relative term considering it was 1 hour and 20 minutes east of I-35 near Durant and the Oklahoma/Texas border! Quite a little drive. When we heard the faint sound of some dueling banjo's as we neared the town, we knew we were in for something interesting. Brad and Denise were trying their best to woo us into moving down there, lining up a convenient tour of the town (took 4 minutes flat, haha) and just happening to drive by several homes for sale, complete with prices and square footage at hand. Too funny! My wife really does want to move to the country, but she wasn't really thinking dirt roads in the picture in her mind. I can name multiple great things about Bokchito, namely whole lots more family time, lots of space (think 40+ acre lots), and away from the madness of city life to name a few. But it has its disadvantages as well, of which would include moving away from family members that have become a vital part of Makenna's life and ours. Just another thing to add to our pile. Anyway, Brad and Denise, we wish you guys the best on your new home! We can't wait to see the finished product! Oh and Denise, we hope you get used to the fresh cow manure scent wafting down the street (not plural, but singular). :)
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