I promised an update on Jerry as soon as we heard the results of the biopsy. With respect to the sensitive nature of this situation, here is what I can tell you. The results weren't what we were expecting or prepared to hear. In short, Jerry needs your prayers. If you could add him to your church's prayer list, that would be great. He needs all of the good thoughts you can send his way. His health seems to be on a roller coaster ride. One minute he's doing just fine, the next he's having major symptoms from the aftermath of the surgery. I just hope we've already climbed the last hill and things settle down soon. Please pray that the doctors can figure out the right combination of medicine and treatments to help ease the symptoms. Please pray for the Avery family as exhaustion, frustration, and that general feeling of 'not knowing what to do next' sets in. I'm sorry to say that I'm limited in what I can disclose at this time but just know that we covet your prayers, if you couldn't tell already. I'll update with more detail when I can.
The rest of this post seems trivial in comparison but I think it’d be a good time to change up the subject a little. Let’s move on over to a wonderful event that happened a couple weeks ago. My precocious friend, Kevon Owen, recently married a beautiful, intelligent and witty girl, Ashley Butcher, on October 13th. Kevon even asked me to be in his wedding as one of his groomsmen! Imagine me in a tux. Quite a sight! I’ve known Kevon for a very long time and it’s been a pleasure to see how he’s grown in the Lord and kept his heart on the right track. He found a girl that could keep him in line! Finally! :)Anyway, on that Thursday before the wedding, all of Kevons’ friends, both of us (just kidding), went laser tagging for his bachelor party. We had a great time! Kevon shaved his beard into this Fu Manchu moustache for the party. It was hilarious! Check out the pic to see what I mean. He thought it would help his out his ‘mad skillz’ but it didn’t. It’s been a while since I’ve been laser tagging so I had to test out a couple of strategies. I was terrible the 1st game finishing 12th because I ran around like a looney. But on the 2nd game, I camped out and sniped everyone that came near me. I finished up in 2nd place, only losing to Andy (the best man), who drives a minivan. A minivan! We should all be ashamed.
Let me back up just a little. About a month before the wedding, Kevon and Ashley asked me to take my new fancy-smancy camera out and take some engagement photos of them. I tried not to sound too giddy at the opportunity so I played it smooth saying, “I’ll check my calendar and see what I have available. You know I’m just simply swamped with demand...” They saw right through me. It was my first photo shoot of someone other than Makenna or other family members so I put a little more thought into it than normal. We headed downtown to the Myriad Gardens to take in the foliage before it got too dark. I had to do some editing in photoshop for lighting in most of the pictures but otherwise, I think they turned out pretty well. I have a long ways to go still but it was a lot of fun. You can see the whole set here. Tell me what you think!

I know that was a lot of pics but I wanted to share in my excitement. :)
Back to the story. The wedding was beautiful and other than my nephew Aidan puking on the stage at the dress rehearsal the night before, there wasn’t anything that went wrong. We “decorated” Kevon’s car before they left on their honeymoon but we couldn’t get the foam spray to work so it all turned into one big jumbled mess. Oh well, they didn’t seem to mind though. Congratulations Kevon and Ashley! You two are perfect for each other! We can’t wait to see you guys when you get back from your honeymoon!
Okay, I will end this post by giving out a word of advice. When your wife asks you to move the bed away from the wall, DO NOT brace yourself against the window to push off. I can speak from experience here, the window WILL break... and you WILL look like an idiot for having your butt go through your bedroom window. I’m the proud owner of a new $171 window... and just in case you were wondering, my butt is okay too. :)
God bless,
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