I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written a post here. I've been off work now for 3 weeks and yesterday was my first day back. It's amazing how fast those three weeks went by. It literally feels like Makenna was just born yesterday and yet this Saturday she will be 1 MONTH OLD already! Oh my goodness, time has flown by! And now I have to go back to work. I already feel like I'm missing out on her growing up just by not seeing her most of the day.
I'm just blessed to be able to have spent so much time with her right after she was born. As you can see from all the pictures we've added to our flickr site, she's growing up more and more every day. Just look at those facial expressions! It seems like every time we grab the camera she's posing for us! Someone at work tells me that she probably has gas when she makes these faces but I choose to believe she's just developing her sense of humor early on. :) We'll keep trying to add new pictures to our flickr site as get them so check back often.
On July 15th, my Grandma Fox drove over an hour to come meet her great granddaughter for the first time. I haven't seen my grandma since Christmas, I believe, which has been WAY too long. We met up at my dad's house who cooked up some mean hamburgers on the grill. It is always a treat to be around my grandma because she's always so positive and such a wonderful person. She just loved the time she was there with Makenna. Just yesterday she emailed me and told me that she showed Makenna's pictures off to her sunday school class and they were all "ooohing" and "ahhhing". Made her proud. This Christmas is going to be a great one. My cousin and his wife, who live in Texas, are due to have their first child in October this year. So, as you can imagine, my grandma can't wait to have 2 little ones stealing the show this year.
The following week, on July 20th, my best friend BJ and his wife Wendy, along with my God-daughter Lilyanah, came to Okiehoma to visit friends and family. What a complete blessing it was to spend two whole evenings with them during their 4 day stay here! On Thursday night, Kimi and I opened up our house (and refrigerator to BJ... J/K!) and welcomed their company! It was so relaxing just being around them. We've been waiting for this for months so it was nice to finally have the day come! I had been marinating steaks for 24 hours prior to their arrival and had BJ help me cook them up. I also made some barbeque chicken for Kimi and Wendy as well. Topped off with fresh corn and bacon-ranch alfredo noodles (yum) and big glasses of sweet tea, it was delicious! Afterward, we put on some soothing music and just talked the rest of the night. The girls went to bed early and BJ and I stayed up talking until almost 3am! We had a lot to catch up on. It's not fair that they live so far away though, if God answers both of our prayers, they may be coming back to Okiehoma within 2 years. Now THAT would be good times!
One of the best things from this trip was that Makenna got to meet Lilyanah! Though we didn't get any upclose pictures of the two (they were always sleeping!), we were able to shoot the one above that you see. I love where life has taken BJ and I since we first met in high school. We have so many great memories together. I just hope that we are able to someday be within driving distance again so we can make some more memories together, now especially with our kids being practically the same age!
On Sunday night, BJ, Wendy, Lily, and Wendy's parents came by to visit us one last time before they had to go home the next day. That night though was the live draft in the fantasy football league we are in and fortunately for BJ, I had an extra computer so he could participate! It was a blast! I think I drafted the best team but we'll see. Afterward, I showed BJ the tickets that I just bought for the Dallas Cowboys VS Indianapolis Colts game in November. Though he can't go with me, I know he will be with me in spirt, or at least watching me on TV as I cheer rabidly for the Colts! WOOO! If you click the picture you can see the big version of the view we will have from the section we got seats in. Oh so much fun! I can't wait!
That pretty much sums up the big events of the past two weeks. The last thing I want to share with you guys shows you proof that I'm a dork... but sometimes it pays off. I was dropping off two movies the other night and it was getting close to midnight which was the cutoff before being late. So I took out my camera phone and snapped a shot of the videos along with the movie store clock and dropped them off. About two weeks later, when I went into rent more videos, they said that I had two late fees for returning the movies after the cutoff time. I was mad at first because I knew I had returned them on time but I was fuzzy on the details. Then I laughed out loud when I remembered that I had the picture on my phone! I took out my phone, pulled up the picture and showed it to the clerk who promptly removed my late fees because there was no denying the proof! SO, lesson learned? It saved me $6 in late fees b/c I had the presence of mind to snap a quick picture before I returned the movies. I just thought you all would think this was pretty funny. And yes, I am still a big goob.
I hope you all have a great week!
What Should a Bride be Doing on the Big Day?
Relax, everything has been organized and is on track. Nothing ever goes
exactly to plan, expect that and let it go. It’s time to get ready and you
want t...
3 years ago
Fox! What's up? Hope all is well. Baby Fox looks so cute. It's hard to believe that one month as already past.
Smart man taking that pic. It makes you wonder how many people they've been taking advantage of.
Hi sweetheart, thank you for allowing me so much time with Makenna this week. I know you and Kimi were so tired and company just adds to your already stressed lives when you have to entertain more company. I'm going to miss Makenna while Scotty and I are on vacation but you give her kisses from grannie every single day and tell her how much I'm going to miss holding my sweet little poobear. I'm going to leave my parking spot permit on my desk this Sunday so please be sure to park in my #116 spot while I'm gone this week. love you mom
Whatsup J! How about that Syriana- great movie, eh?
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