I know it has been a VERY long time since I have written consistently on this blog and for that I am very sorry. I know most of you are shocked (just as Makenna is here in the pic!). I will preface this by saying that there have been some changes at work that do not allow me to edit this anymore while I’m here. And when I get home, I find it very hard to tear away from my family long enough to update the website. So without anymore excuses, I am going start a mailing list so I can email those interested whenever I update this website. I will still update as often as I can so everyone can keep up with what is happening but because it might be infrequent at times, with being subscribed to the mailing list, you don’t have to waste your time checking the blog only to be disappointed that I didn’t update it yet. Hopefully this solution will work out for most of you.
If you are interested in signing up for the mailing list, please send an email to . I will put you on my email list and send out a group email when I update the next post. Make sure you add my email address to your address book and make it as “Not Spam” just in case. The subject line will probably look like this [Jason, Kimi & Makenna’s Blog] and come from THE FOX so if you see that, don’t delete it. If at any time you want to be taken off of the mailing list for whatever reasons, just reply back and I’ll remove your email address. You can always check the website still anytime so no big deal.
NERD ALERT: There is also another way to keep updated on both the blog AND our pictures we upload to Flickr. Both blogger and flickr have an RSS feed that is updated every time I post a new blog or picture to each. The very cool thing about that is that if you have an RSS Feed Reader that you subscribe to, each time the website is updated, you are notified through that reader and our latest updates actually shows up in full content. The best feed reader I found (and use regularly) is Google Reader (http://reader.google.com) but there are multiple ones out there that you can use. I use mine to catch the updates on about 60 different websites I used to check regularly (from NFL news to the daily comics!), and now that I only get the updated content, I don’t have to waste my time checking the site every day and find it not being updated. You can use it for your friends’ blogs including Myspace, Blogger, Xanga, Flickr, etc. Basically there are millions of websites that use RSS to syndicate their updates. Very cool stuff (if you are a nerd like me). Anyway, here are our RSS feed links:
WhatFoxKnows BLOG Feed:
WhatFoxKnows Flickr Feed: http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?id=73324969@N00&format=rss_200
Okay, now that I got that out of the way, I am going to work on my next post. Lots to update so stay tuned!
What Should a Bride be Doing on the Big Day?
Relax, everything has been organized and is on track. Nothing ever goes
exactly to plan, expect that and let it go. It’s time to get ready and you
want t...
3 years ago
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