Saturday, September 30, 2006

Miss Mak is 3 Months Old!

Happy 3 months old!Yesterday, Makenna had her 3 month birthday. She's growing up so quickly, it's amazing. She smiles at us all the time now, as you can see from the picture. Her eyes light up when she sees Kimi or I and recognizes us. Some days when things get rough at work, all I have to do is think back to that morning when little Miss Mak smiled at me... and my problem doesn't really matter anymore. Lately we've been practicing with Makenna to hold her head up steady, though we aren't there yet. Believe it or not, she's even keeping her legs straight and putting weight on them when we hold her up. I bet Kimi the other day that she's going to be walking by the time she's 10 months old! But I may be getting a little ahead of the "schedule". :) We took this video last night of Makenna. She had been laying there quietly and I came over to see if I could get her to mimic me. Watch the video when you get a chance. It's about a minute and a half long so enjoy!

Now after you enjoyed that video so much (haha), I've got some good news. My cousin Brent and his wife Elizabeth had their son, CADEN WILLIAM FOX, this past week! He was born on Wednesday, September 27, 2006 at 5:43pm. He weighed in at a healthy 8.6 lbs, and 21.5 inches. Both mom and baby are doing great! Brent sent me some pictures and they look so happy and proud of their new son. His eyes are wide open already! That's one of the coolest things in the world, the first time your baby looks at you. Good times. :) Kimi and I are going to be down in Texas in a few weeks and that is just too long until we get to meet Caden. I'm so proud and so very happy for you guys. Congratulations on your handsome son!

SOONER FANS!Last Saturday, one week after the Oregan-OU debacle, I was given tickets to the Middle Tennessee State University vs OU game and decided to ask my dad to go with me. He's never been to a college or NFL game before so I thought this would be a good game to cut his teeth on. And it was SUCH a good game. Yeah, it was a complete blowout but sometimes those are so exciting and enough to restore your faith in your team after a sad loss. Poor MTSU, OU took out their anger on them. And my dad loved every minute of it! Before the game Kimi and I and Makenna got all dressed up in our Sooner shirts and Cargo pants and snapped a few quick pics. Makennas cargos are a little too big but she was a doll nonetheless.

Yeah For Me, I Made It To Three! (months...)Funny Story Of The Week: I was driving to work the other day at 6 am in the morning. Its dark outside, the sun was just starting to come up. There is construction near the entrance where I take so I had to drive the back roads to another entrance. I'm heading down the hill and all of the sudden this raccoon runs across the road. There was a car coming on the opposite lane so I had to just keep on driving. WHAM! I felt a twinge of guilt but there was nothing I could do. Odd occurance, but it happens. What doesn't happen all the time is what happened the next day. I was driving to work on the highway in the dark again, about to take the off ramp, when out of the corner of my eye, I sense something moving. I look left just in time to see ANOTHER RACCOON dodging traffic and sprinting for my suv. WHAM! Two suicidal raccoons in two days. Geez! If this keeps up, I'm going to start making notches on my bumper next to a little raccoon picture just so I can keep track! Some day I might share another CRAZY raccoon story that happened on a camping trip a few years ago. It's hilarious!

I'm sorry it took so long for me to write. Hopefully I can keep up with this. I'll make sure I add pictures often so you can at least keep up with Makenna. Speaking of Makenna, on the right side of the page I added a new popup link with the latest Makenna video slideshow. Just click on the link and push play. :) Hope you enjoy!

Until the cows come home,


Unknown said...

You have beautiful daughter. Such a precious gift you have. I'm four months pregnant myself, looking very much forward to the arrival. Enjoy the journey.
God Bless.

Anonymous said...

HaHa! Suicidal Raccoons! Too Funny! You should definitely tell people the camping story, it is one of my favorite moments of all time. Miss Makenna is soo cute! I love all the pics of her!


Anonymous said...

funny racoon stories, similar to the two deers I took out in one year also. Very scary - you know it's coming but have to posture yourself not to wreck the car. You did good but be careful because I hear the raccoon pit boss is now after you :)
Those are the cutest videos of my poobear - thank you for letting me keep her Friday night. I'm going to eat breakfast with Scotty, Angie and Kaylee this morning and then hopefully meet Terry at Church. After church, I'm heading your you mom