Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Hello Week # 22!

Hello again everyone! Yesterday we crossed week number 22, which is 5 3/4 months along! My beautiful wife is meeting me for lunch in about 30 minutes as we celebrate another week down until we get to meet our little one! I just wanted to share with you what is going on inside of Kimi's belly this week! This is from

"WEEK 22 - How your baby's growing: Your baby now looks like a miniature newborn, checking in at 10.9 inches and almost 1 pound. Her skin will continue to appear wrinkled until she gains enough weight to fill it out, and the fine hair (lanugo) that covers her head and body is now visible. Her lips are becoming more distinct, and the first signs of teeth are appearing as buds beneath her gum line. Her eyes are developed, though the iris (the colored part of the eye) still lacks pigment. Eyelids and eyebrows are in place, and her pancreas, essential for hormone production, is developing steadily."

Seriously, isn't this one of the biggest miracles and one of the most amazing things in life? Thank you so much God.

I wanted to share with you all some ultrasound pictures we got on March 1st. First picture is when we were on our way to the doctors office the week before our ultrasound. Kimi opened up one of the Dove chocolates I bought her for Valentine's Day (You know, the kind that is like heaven in your mouth? Yeah, I did good this year! haha). Anyway, Kimi was so nervous that something was going to be wrong until we opened up that piece of chocolate and read the message inside.

Listen To Your Heartbeat and Dance!

We were on our way to hear the baby's heartbeat that morning when we got this little reminder to just relax, listen to the heartbeat and dance! Isn't God just the best? He gives us hope in the moments of life where you just need Him to be God and to take care of you. God is good!

So we heard the heartbeat (YEAH!) and scheduled the ultrasound for a week later. Kimi had to drink her 60 oz of water and wait and wait and wait until we could go in to see the tech who was helping us that day. Kimi could barely hold it all in but the excitement of finding out if everything was going to be okay was enough to overcome her "pressing issue" of relief. Haha. They said we were looking for either a hamburger or hotdog, if you know what i mean. We saw the "hamburger" or "three white lines" which meant little girl! I've already shown you her foot photo, but here are the other two.

We think this is really her head and leg, not hand. Oh well.
We think this is really her head and leg, not hand. Oh well. :)

Kind of a crazy looking picture, huh?
Kind of a crazy looking picture, huh?

So that's our baby! Next we are trying to decide on names now. This has been the toughest part so far! Just kidding. We'll cover that soon. Keep praying for us as we continue on our journey toward August 1st. God bless guys.


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