Wednesday, October 28, 2009

FML - Speed camera mishap :)

Today, whilst I was driving, a speed camera flashed me. I was not over the speed limit, so I turned around and went past it again even slower, again it flashed me. Confused I did again, it flashed. Finding this funny, I drove past again at snail's pace. Only later receiving four fines for no seatbelt. FML

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

This FML made me spit out my drink...

Today, I had to go to the dentist to have a cavity filled. Around halfway through the procedure, something broke the silence in the room. It was my dentist, who had farted. I had to smell his rancid flatulence for around the next five minutes. All the while, I had to keep my mouth wide open. FML

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The Disaster - A short 1 minute story that made me laugh. :)

"Oh, No!"  he gasped as he surveyed the disaster before him. Never in his 40 years of life had he seen anything like it.  How anyone could have survived he did not know.  He could only hope that somewhere amid the overwhelming destruction he would find his 16-year-old son.

Only the slim hope of finding Michael kept him from turning and fleeing the scene.  He took a deep breath and proceeded.  Walking was virtually impossible with so many things strewn across his path.  He moved ahead slowly.

"Michael! Michael!"  he whispered to himself.  He tripped and almost fell several times.  He heard someone, or something, move.  At least he thought he did.  Perhaps, he was just hoping he did. He shook his head and felt his gut tighten.  He couldn't understand how this could have happened.

There was some light but not enough to see very much. Something cold and wet brushed against his hand.  He jerked it away. In desperation, he took another step then cried out, "Michael!"

From a nearby pile of unidentified material, he heard his son. "Yes, Dad," he said, in a voice so weak he could hardly hear.

"It's time to get up and get ready for school," the man sighed, "and, for heaven's sake, clean up this room."

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